20 Eylül 2011 Salı

ben demedim o dedi - hiç gereği yokken

hiç gereği yokken hayata giren insanlar..
hiç gereği yokken karşına çıkarlar..
hiç gereği yokken gününü, haftanı, ayını, belki de yıllarını alırlar..
hiç gereği yokken gece gündüz aklından geçen her düşünceye bulaşırlar..
hiç gereği yokken seni istemediğin kadar mutlu ederler..
hiç gereği yokken hayatını değiştirirler, 
belki eski hayatını unutturacak kadar..
sonra hiç gereği yokken hayatından çıkıp giderler...

Bir efsaneye göre bu şiir Can Yücel'inmiş...

ve  gerçekten  bir süre ara... 
neden ? 
ne kadar zaman ?

10 Eylül 2011 Cumartesi


nasıl da kolaylaşır her şey
ve nasıl basitleşir
mutluluğu bulunca!
nasıl da basittir mutlu olmak
sana sokulunca sevgilim
sen bana sokulunca...
unutma yalnız nice yürüdüğünü
beni buluncaya dek
nice bitkin düştüğünü
yolunu yitirerek
seni aradığımı bilmiyordun değil mi
benim de durmadan?
içimde bir yerin
nasıl dolup dolup da boşaldığını!
bilmiyorduk ikimiz de
yürüyerek durmadan
durmadan ileri doğru
beni bulacağını bir gün
bir gün seni bulacağımı durmadan..
halklar da böyledir diyorum işte
anlamazlar bile
aldanırlar durmadan..
ama durmadan yürüyerek
ilerleyerek durmadan
bulurlar birbirlerini bir gün
ve kendi kendilerini
bulurlar beni bulduğun gibi
seni bulduğum gibi durmadan..
ve nasıl basitleşir
nasıl da kolay görünür her şey!
unutma ama güçlüğünü
karanlıkta yürümenin
— unutma —
Pablo Neruda

İstanbul Destanı

İstanbul deyince aklıma martı gelir
Yarısı gümüş, yarısı köpük
Yarısı balık yarısı kuş
İstanbul deyince aklıma bir masal gelir
bir varmış bir yokmuş
İstanbul deyince aklıma Gülcemal gelir
Anadolu'da toprak damlı bir evde
Gülcemal üstüne türküler söylenir
Süt akar cümle musluklarından
direklerinde güller tomurcuklanır
Anadolu'da toprak damlı bir evde çocukluğum
Gülcemel'le gider İstanbul'a
Gülcemal'le gelir

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Bir sepet kınalı yapıncak gelir
Şehzadebaşı'nda akşamüstü
Sepetin üstünde üç tane mum
Bir kız yanaşır insafsızca dişi
Boyuna posuna kurban olduğum
Kalın dudaklarında yapıncağın balı
Tepeden tırnağa arzu dolu
Sam yeli söğüt dalı harmandalı
Bir şarap mahzeninde doğmuş olmalı
Şehzadebaşı'nda akşamüstü
Yine zevrak-ı derunum
Kırılıp kenara düştü

İstanbul deyince aklıma Kapalıçarşı gelir
Dokuzuncu senfoniyle kolkola
Cezayir marşı gelir
Dört başı mamur bir gelin odası
Haraç mezat satılmakta
Bir gelinle güvey eksik yatakda
Köşede sedef kakmalı tombul bir ut
Tamburi Cemil Bey çalıyor eski plakta
Sonra ellerinde şamdanlar nargileler
Paslı Acem kılıçları
Amerikan kovboyları
eller yukarı
Ne kadar da beyaz elbiseleri
Amerikan deniz erleri
Kocaman bir papatyadan yolunmuşlar gibi
Sütden duru buluttan beyaz
Beyazın böylesine ölüm yakışır mı dersin
Ama harbederken onlara
Bambaşka elbiseler giydirirler
Kan rengi barut rengi duman rengi
Kin tutar kir tutmaz

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Kocaman bir dalyan gelir
Kimi paslı bir örümcek ağı gibi
Gerinir Beykoz'da
Kimi Fenerbahçe'de yan gelir
Dalyanda kırk tane Orkinos
Kırk değirmen taşı gibi dönmektedir
Orkinos dediğin balıkların şahı
Orkinos mavzerle gözünden vurulur
Denizin içinde ağaçlar devrilir
Kan çanağına döner dalyanın yüzü
Camgöbeği yeşili bulanır
Bir çırpıda kırk orkinos
Reisin sevinten dili dolanır
Bir martı gelir konar direğe
Atılan kolyos'u havada yutar
Bir başkasını beklemez gider
Balıkçı gülümser tatlı tatlı
Adı Marika'dır bu martının der
Her zaman böyle gelir böyle gider

İstanbul deyince aklıma adalar gelir
Dünya'nın en kötü Fransızcası orda harcanır
Çalımından geçilmez altmışlık madamların
Ağzı dili olsa da tenhadaki çamların
Görüp göreceği rahmeti anlatsa insanların

İstanbul deyince aklıma kuleler gelir
Ne zaman birinin resmini yapsam öteki kıskanır
Ama şu Kızkulesi'nin aklı olsa
Galata kulesine varır  
Bir sürü çocukları olur

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Tophane'de küçücük bir sokak gelir
Her Allah'ın günü kahvelerine
Anadolu'dan bir sürü fakir fukara gelir
Kimi dilenecek dilenmesine utanır
Kiminin elinde bir süpürge peyda olur uzun
Dudaklarında kirli paslı bir tebessüm
Çöpcü olmuştur bugüne bugün
Kiminin sırtında perişan bir küfe
Kiminin sırtında nakışlı semer
Şehrin cümbüşüne katılır gider
Kalın yağlı bir kolona koşulur
Piyano taşırlar omuz omuza

Kendinden ağır yükün altında adamlar
Balmumu gibi erir dururlar
Sonra kan ter içinde soluk alırlar
Nazik eşya nazik hamallar ister neylersin
Ama onlar kadar piyanoyu ciddiye alırlar mı dersin
Nazdan nazik çiniden bilezik eller
Karşı radyoda gayetle mülayim bir ses
Evlere şenlik üstat Sinir Zulmettin
Hacıyağına bulanmış sesiyle esner
Gamı şadiyi felek
Böyle gelir böyle gider

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Stadyum gelir
Güne güneşe karşı yirmibeşbin kişi
Hepsinin dudağında İstiklâl Marşı
Bulutlar atılır top top pare pare
Yirmibeşbin kişilik bir aydınlık içinde eririm
Canım ağzıma gelir sevinçten hilafsız
İsteseler bir gelincik gibi koparır veririm

İstanbul deyince aklıma stadyum gelir
Kanımın karıştığını duyarım ılık ılık
Memleketimin insanlarına
Daha fazla sokulmak isterim yanlarına
Ben de bağırırım birlikte
Avazım çıktığı kadar
Göğsümü gere gere
Ver Lefter'e yaz deftere
Stadyum gelir

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Binlerce insanın aynı anda
Aynı şeyi duymasından doğan sevincin
Heybetini düşünürüm
Birbirine eklenir kafamda
Binler yüzbinler milyonlar
Sonra bir mısra havalanır ürkek
Bir uykuyu cananla beraber uyuyanlar

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Yahya Kemal gelirdi bir eyyam
Şimdi Orhan Veli gelir
Deminden beri dilimin ucundan Orhan Veli
Deminden beri senin tadın senin tuzun
Senin şiirin senin yüzün
Yaralı bir güvercin misali
Başımın üstünde dolanır durur
Gelir sessizce konar bu şiirin bir yerine
Neresine mi arayan bulur
Erbabı bilir
Deli eder insanı bu şehir deli
Kadehlerin çınlasın Orhan Veli

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Sait Faik gelir
Burgaz adasında kıyıda
Mavi gözlü bir çocuk büyür döne döne
Mavi gözlü bir ihtiyar balıkcı gencelir küçülür
İkisi bir boya geldi mi Sait kesilirler
Bütün İstanbul' u dolaşırlar elele başbaşa
Ana avrat küfrederler uçan kuşa eşe dosta
Sivriada'da da martı yumurtası toplarlar çilli çilli
Ziba mahallesinde gece yarısı
Sabaha Galata'dan geçer yolları
Maytaba alacakları tutar kahvede
Zararsız bir deliyi
Ula Hasan derler gazeteyi ters tutaysun
Çaktırmadan gazetesini tutuştururlar fakirin
Sonra oturup sessizce ağlarlar

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Sait Faik gelir
Taşında toprağında suyunda
Fakirin fukaranın yanı başında
Hey Allah'ım en güzel çağında Sait'e
Dört beş yıl ömrün kaldı denir
Sait Sait olurda nasıl dayanır
Mavi gözlü çocuk boş verir ölüm haberine
İhtiyar balıkcı pis pis düşünür
Bir zehir yeşilidir açılır
Bir yeşil ki ciğerine işler adamın
Bir yeşil ki kasıp kavurur

Küçük mavi çocuk
İhtiyar balıkcı
Ve dilimize bulaşan zehir yeşili
İstanbul çalkalandıkca bu denizlerde dipdiri
Dilimiz yaşadıkça yaşasın Sait'in şiiri

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Sabiyem gelir
Sabiyem boynunda büyük bir demetle
Sarıyer'den gelir Pendik'den gelir
Bahar nereden gelirse velhasıl
Sabiyem oradan gelir
Ne delidir ne divane,
Aslını ararsan Çingenedir
Tepeden tırnağa güneştir
Analar içinde bir tanedir
Biri sırtında biri memesinde biri karnında
Karnı her daim burnundadır

Canını mendil gibi takar dişine
Yürekten bir şeyler katar işine
Bir ucundan girer şehrin, ötekinden çıkar
Alçak gönüllüdür Sabiyem
Hem masa satar hem göbek atar
Ver bir çeyrek güzelim der
Neyse halin o çıksın fâlin
Canı çıkar Sabiye'min falı çıkmaz
Sonra anlatır dün gece başına gelenleri
Görürüm üryamda bir sarı yılan
Cenabet uğraşır durur benimlen
Uyanır bakarım benim bebeler
Yatağın ucuna kaymış
Ayağımın parmaklarını emer

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Bir basma fabrikası gelir
Duvarları uzun masaları uzun sobaları uzun
Dal gibi dalyan gibi kızlar çalışır bütün gün ayakta
Kan ter içinde mahzun
Yüzleri uzun elleri uzun günleri uzun
Fabrikada pencereler tavana yakın
Al topuklu beyaz kızlar dalga geçmeyin
Dışarda ağaçlar dizi dizi
Duvarlar duvarlar uzun duvarlar
Niçin ağaçlardan ayırdınız bizi
Dışarda tarlalar turuncu asfalt mosmor
Dışarda dışarda dışarda
Mevsim gürül gürül akıp gidiyor
On dokuz yaşında Eyüp'lü Gülsüm
Dalmış beyaz köpüklü akışına ipeklilerin

Kötü kötü düşünüyor
İpeğin akışına doyum olmaz
Ama gel gör ki ipekli emprimeden oğlana don olmaz
Bir top Amerikan bezi sakız gibi beyaz
Bir top Amerikandan neler çıkmaz
Perdeler yatak çarşafları çoluğa çocuğa çamaşır
Sakız gibi ağarmış bir top Amerikan bezi
Gülsüm'ün gözleri kamaşır
Üçüncü oğlanı doğururken Gülsüm
Bir top Amerikana hasret sizlere ömür
Gülsüm'lerin sürüsüne bereket
Yerine bir Gülsümcük bulunur elbet
Gider Gülsüm gelir Gülsüm
Azrail ettiğin bulsun

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Ağzına kadar soğan yüklü bir taka gelir
Sülyen kırmızısı üstüne zehir gibi yeşil
Samsun'dan Sürmene'den Sinop'dan

Yaz demez kış demez mutlaka gelir
Kirli yekleninde yeni bir yama
Demirin pası gelir dilime
Nabzımda duyarım motorun hızını
Canımın içine sokasım gelir
İri kalçaları pullu denizkızını

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Takalar gelir
Alçakgönüllü kalender
Ya Pelengi Deryadır adları ya Şimşiri Zafer

İstanbul deyince aklıma
Koca Sinan gelir
On parmağı on ulu çınar gibi
Her yandan yükselir
Sonra gecekondular gelir ardısıra
İsli paslı yetim
Ey benim dev memesinde cüceler emziren acayip memleketim

Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu

The Sage of Istanbul

Say Istanbul and a seagull comes to mind
Half silver and half foam, half fish and half bird.
Say Istanbul and a fable comes to mind,
The old wives' tale that we have all heard.

Say Istanbul and a mighty steamship comes to mind
Whose songs are sung in the mudbaked huts of Anatolia:
Milk flows from her tap, roses bloom on her masts;
Dreamy kinds in Anatolia's mudbaked huts

Sail to Istanbul and back on that migthy steamship.

Say Istanbul and mottled grapes come to mind
With three candles burning bright on the basket-
Suddenly comes along a girl so ruthlessly female,
With a figure so lovely that you back in it
And lips ripe with grape honey,
A girl luscious and willow branch and the dance of joy-
Hailing from a wine cellar, she makes you tipsy:
As the song goes, like a ship at sea
My heart is tossed and wrecked again.

Say Istanbul and the Grand Bazaar comes to mind:
Beethoven's Ninth, hand in hand with the Algerian March;
And an immaculate bridal bedroom set
Is auctioned off Without the bride and groom.
A chabby lute inlaid with mother of pearl
Recalls the famous lutaniet on old records.
Brandish candlesticks and hookahs and rusty Persian swords,
American cowboys
"Hands up!"
American sailors wear lily-white uniforms
Plucked from a huge daisy, clear as milk, clean as a cloud;
Beath looks ugly on so pure a white,
But when they fight
They put their combat uniforms on
Color of blood and gunpowder and smoke-
Which gather hate but no dirt.

Say Istanbul and huge fishery come to mind
Like a rusty cobweb over the Bosphorus, sprawling off the Marmara coast.
Forty tunnies roll in the fishery, like forty millstones.
The tunny, after all is the king of the sea:
You must shoot it in the eye with a rifle and fell it like a tree,
Then suddenly the face of the fishery gets bloodshot
And the emerald waters become muddied in the turmoil.
With forty tunnies at a clip, the skipper is spellbound for joy.
A seagull perched on the cast catches a mackerel in mid-air and gobbles it,
Then it flies away without waiting for one more;
The fisherman smiles, sweet and kind:
"That gull's Maria," he says,
"That's the way she comes and goes, always."

Say Istanbul and the Princes Islands come to mind:
Where the French language is murdered
By sixtyish matrons who sit around puffed up as hell;
If only the lonely pinetrees there could tell
All abouth the hankypanky of the boy with the god.

Say Istanbul and towers come to mind:
If one of them is painted, the other one grumbles.
The Tower of Leander ought to know that's way the cookie crumbles:
She should marry the Galata Tower and have lots kids.
Say Istanbul and a waterfront comes to mind:
Anatolia's poor godforsaken huddled masses land
In its coffee houses, day after day.
Some must go begining to survive, but shame keeps them away;
A few manage to find a broom and brcome stret cleanners-no less,
Their faces smeared with a filthy fusty grin:
Others shoulder a pannier or an ornate back saddle,
And the all get lost in the city's hubbub and fiddle-faddle.

Tied to a greasy girth, some carry a piano on their backs
Their legs wobbly under the weight, melting like wax,
They pant and heave, drenched in sweat.
A gentle porter is a must for a fragile item.
Do the tender hands value a piano the way the porter does?
Suddenly a mushy voice blares on the radio across the street:
The most popular crooner of them all,
Yelping and yawning, smudged with the greasy perfumes oo Arabia:
"Life is lull of joy and sorrows,"
"Some stay and some go."

Say Istanbul and a stadium comes to mind
Where twenty-five thousand voices under the sun
Sing our national anthem in unison
And the clouds are fired like cannonball.
Dazzled by the sight of twenty-five thousand strong
We rejoies i theire joyful song
And offer to pluck our hearts for them like red poppies.
Say Istanbul and a stadium comes to mind
Hher our blood flows into the veins of our fellew men.
Rubbing shoulders, we holler together
Till our throats are sore:
Lefter's kick is a sure score.

Say Istanbul and a stadium comes to mind
Where multitutes join in the same joy
And share the same love and agony.
Then a line aut of a poem flutters in the air:
"Blessed are those who embrace their loved ones."

Say Istanbul and Yahya Kemal once came to mind;
Nowadays it's Orhan Veli whose name is on the tip of every tongue:
His flair and flamboyance, his poems and his face
Hover overhead like a wounded pigeon
Which descende quietly to perch on this poem.

This city just drives you out of your mind;
Good thing Orhan Veli's chuckles remain behind.

Say Istanbul and Sait Faik comes to mind:
Pebbles twitter on the shore of Burgaz Island,
While a blue-eyed boy grow up in circles of joy
A blue-eyed old fisherman grows younger and tinier,
When they reach the same height they turn into Sait

And they roam the city hand in hand,
Cursing beast and bird, friend and foe alike;
On Sharp Island they gather gulls' eggs,
By midnight they're in the red light district.
In the morning they go through Galata:
At the café they kid around with a harmless lunatic,
"Whaddya know," they say, "you're holding your paper upside down."
Then they set the poor guy's newspaper on fire,
Then they sit and weep quietly.

Say Istanbul and Sait Faik comes to mind
All over this town's rock and soil and water,
A friend of the poor and the sick,
Wose pencil is as sharp as is wounded,
Bleeding for the lonely and yearning for the pure and the good.

Say Istanbul and Sait's last years come to mind:
At his best age he's told he has just a few years to live;
How could Sait bear the thouht of it?
The blue-eyed boy doesn't give a hang,
But the old fisherman broods like hell
And a green venom bursts out of the sea
Piercing the heart that feels, revaging the mind that knows.

The little blue-eyed boy
And the old fisherman
And that green venom smeared all over our lips...
So long as Istanbul throbs alive in the sea,
So long as language lives, so will Sait's poetry.

Say Istanbul and a gipsy woman comes to mind
With a bunch of flowers taller than herself,
Wherever the spring comes from, so does she
She is the sun and the soil from top to toe,
And a mother matchless among mothers:
One kid on her back, one at her breast, one in her tummy.
A gypsy women always bulges with a baby.

Devil may care, her life has flair:
She roams the city from one end to the other
Making no bones about selling tongs or doing the bellydance.
She is humble, she sells tongs, she bellydances.
"How about a quarter, dear?" she says,
"You want me to tell your fortune, love?
Till the day she dies, she tells nothing but lies.
Then comes the dream she hd the night before:
"I see a yellow snake.Son-of-a-bitch keeps bugging me.
"I wake up and what do I see?
"My little oner are on the edge of the bed sucking my toes"

Say Istanbul and a textile factory comes to mind:
High walls, long counters, tall stoves...
Tender slender girls toil all day long on their feet,
In blood an sweet, weary and sad,
Their faces long their hands long their days long
In the factory where the windows are near the ceiling
Red-heeled fair-skinned girls– "No loitering, girls!"
Rows and rows of trees stretch out there,

But the endless walls cur the girls off from them,
From the amber fields an the purple streets
Where the fair season rumbles and tumbles.
A nineteen-year-old working mother,
Dizzy with the white foamy flow of silk
Which whets her appetite no end, gets ideas;
But silk is no good to make pants for her sons.
Now if she could get a roll of ivory-white calico:
She can do so much with it: drapes and sheets and underwear.

The very thought of ivory-white calico dazzles her.
When she dies giving birth to a third son,
She is still longrs for a roll of calico for the kids and all.
Young mothers like her are dime a dozen:
At the factory some body else takes her place of this one
That's the way it is: If one goes, another comes.
Damn you death.

Say Istanbul and a barge comes to mind
Brinful of onion, green as poison on coral red,
Sailing in from the Black Sea ports winter and summer
With one more patch on its filthy sail each time
And the rust of its iron rods on our tongues
Its motors speeding along our pulse boat right into our hearts
A mermaid with scale-covered huge buttocks.

Say Istanbul and barge come to mind
Demure and hadless
Called the Sea Tiger or the Triumphant Sword.

Say Istanbul and Sinan the Great Architect comes to mind
His ten fingers soaring like mighty plane trees.
Than the monster of the chacks and shanties rears its head

Where smoke filth and blight ruthlessly spread.
Our city suckles dwarfs at her giant's breasts.

Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu

Çeviren: Talat Sait Halman

Kürk Mantolu Madonna

20. yüzyıla giriş yılında Potsdam Meydanı; Foto: dpa

“…bana sakın darılmayın…” diyordu. “boş ümitlere kapılmamanız için sizinle apaçık konuşmak daha iyi olacak... ama bana darılmayın… dün yanınıza geldim… beni evime götürmenizi istedim… bugün beraber gezmeyi teklif ettim… akşam yemeğini beraber yiyelim dedim… adeta size musallat oldum… fakat sizi sevmiyorum. deminden beri hep bunu düşündüm… hayır, sizi sevmiyorum… ne yapayım? sizi belki hoş, hatta cazip buluyorum, belki de şimdiye kadar tanıştığım erkeklerin hepsinden ayrı taraflarınız olduğunu görüyorum, ama bu kadar… sizinle konuşmak, birçok şeylerden bahsetmek, münakaşa, kavga etmek… darılmak, tekrar barışmak, bunlar beni muhakkak ki memnun edecek…

fakat sevmek? bunu yapamıyorum… şimdi ne diye durup dururken bunları söylediğimi merak edersiniz… dediğim gibi, başka şeyler bekleyerek ileride bana darılmayınız diye… size ne verebileceğimi şimdiden bildireyim ki, sonra sizinle oynadığımı iddia etmeyesiniz: ne kadar başka olursanız olun, gene erkeksiniz… ve bütün tanıştığım erkekler bunu, yani kendilerini sevmediğimi, sevemediğimi anlayınca, büyük bir teessür, hatta hiddetle beni terk ettiler… güle güle… ama niçin beni kabahatli zannettiler? kendilerine asla vaat etmediğim, sadece kafalarında yaşattıkları bir şeyi vermedim diye mi? bu haksızlık değil mi? sizin de hakkımda aynı şekilde düşünmenizi istemem… bunu da lehinizde bir nokta olarak kaydedebilirsiniz…”

şaşırmıştım. fakat sükûnetimi bozmamaya çalışarak:
“bunlara ne lüzum var? arkadaşlığımızın şekli bana değil, size tabidir. siz nasıl isterseniz öyle olur!” dedim.

şiddetle itiraz etti:
“hayır, hayır, hiç de öyle olmaz. bakın gördünüz mü? siz de bütün diğer erkekler gibi, her şeyi kabul eder görünerek her şeyi kabul ettirmek yolunu tutuyorsunuz. yok dostum! böyle yatıştırıcı laflarla meseleler halledilmiş olmaz…”

"anlıyorum, anlıyorum... tamamen yalnızım... ama berlin'de değil... bütün dünyada yalnızım... küçükten beri..."

"hayatta yalnız kalmanın esas olduğunu hala kabul edemiyor musunuz? bütün yakınlaşmalar, bütün birleşmeler yalancıdır. insanlar ancak muayyen bir hadde kadar birbirlerine sokulabilirler, üst tarafını uydururlar ve günün birinde hatalarını anlayınca, yeislerinden her şeyi bırakıp kaçarlar. halbuki mümkün olanla kanaat etseler, hayallerindekini hakikat zannetmekten vazgeçseler bu böyle olmaz. herkes tabii olanı kabul eder, ortada ne hayal sukutu, ne inkisar kalır..."

kürk mantolu madonna, sabahattin ali

8 Eylül 2011 Perşembe

7 Eylül 2011 Çarşamba

Yolculuk Nereye ? Portsmouth...

Duygu haftaya burada :

Portsmouth (pronounced "ports-muth" and nick-named "Pompey") is a large city in the county of Hampshire, on the south coast of England. Historically, Portsmouth plays a major role in British Naval History and British History in general. The rich historical heritage in the City offers a variety of activities to the visitor such as the Historical Dockyard which houses some of the most historical warships in the world, HMS Victory, which was Lord Nelsons flagship used at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and the Mary Rose, a Tudor-era warship. The City also offers excellent shopping facilities located in the Gunwharf Quays complex home to a variety of designer stores including Ralph Lauren, Hugo Boss and Barbour as well as the striking 557ft landmark Spinnaker Tower from which excellent views of the Solent and City can be viewed. Portsmouth also has two cathedrals including the 831 year old Romanesque-style Portsmouth Cathedral, twelve museums most of which are free and two theaters offering plenty of other attractions of which to visit.

Aside from its rich Naval Heritage, Portsmouth is also known for it's literary history as the birthplace of Charles Dickens, the famous Victorian era novelist and the pioneering engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Other famous figures to have lived in Portsmouth are H.G. Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle the author who created Sherlock Holmes and Rudyard Kipling. Musically, the city is well served by three musical venues The Wedgewood Rooms, Guildhall and Pyramids which regularly host major musical and comedy acts.


The City of Portsmouth has a population of 197,700 and is the only city in England with a greater population density (4,639 /km2(12,010 /sq mi)) than London (4,562 /km2 (11,820 /sq mi)).


PORTSMOUTH Futbol Takımının Amblemi ve İlginç Bir Yazı :



Image of the flag of Constantinople, a star and crescent on a red background.The star and crescent symbol was originally used as the flag of Constantinople.
According to legend in 339 BC the city of Byzantium, (later known as Constantinople and then Istanbul), won a decisive battle under a brilliant waxing moon which they attributed to their patron Goddess Artemis (Diana in Roman mythology) whose symbol was the crescent moon.
In honor of Artemis the citizens adopted the crescent moon as their symbol.
When the city became the Christian Roman Constantinople in 330 AD, Constantine also added the Virgin Mary's star on the flag.

Isaac Comnenus of Cyprus

Image of Isaac Comnenus, coat of arms a star and crescent on an azure background.Isaac Comnenus was the last ruler of Cyprus before the Frankish conquest during the Third Crusade.
He was a minor member of the Comnenus family, a great nephew of the Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Comnenus (1143-1180) and a grandson of the Sebastocrator Isaac.
The coat of arms used by Issac Comnenus was a crescent moon and an eight pointed star on an azure background, adopted in relation with his family links to the Byzantine emperor.
Emperor Manuel made Isaac governor of Isauria and the town of Tarsus in present-day eastern Turkey, where he started a war with the Armenians and was imprisoned by them.
When Isaac was released in 1185, he hired a troop of mercenaries and sailed to Cyprus. He presented falsified imperial letters that ordered the local administration to obey him in everything and established himself as ruler of the island.

Richard the Lionheart

In 1192 the fiancée and the sister of the English King Richard I Lionheart were shipwrecked on Cyprus and were taken captive by Isaac. In retaliation Richard conquered the island while on his way to Tyre.
Isaac was taken prisoner near Cape St. Andreas on the Karpass Peninsula, the northernmost tip of the island. According to tradition, Richard had promised Isaac not to put him into irons, so he kept him prisoner in chains of silver. At this time Richard adopted the star and crescent symbol, which Issac Comnenus had been using, as his own.
Isaac was turned over to the Knights of St. John, who kept him imprisoned in Margat near Tripoli until he was released in c. 1194.

Portsmouth Coat of Arms

In 1194 it was King Richard I, Richard the Lionheart, who granted the Town of Portsmouth its first charter.
The star and crescent symbol is also present on the seal of William de Longchamp, Bishop of Ely, who as Lord Chancellor, was involved in the in the granting of Portsmouth's charter.
It is believed that the Town of Portsmouth adapted the symbol to use as its coat of arms in tribute to King Richard, for his patronage in granting Town status.
The Star and Crescent symbol is known to have been used by Mayors of Portsmouth from at least the seventeenth century and probably earlier from the middle ages.
The motto 'Heaven's Light Our Guide' was incorporated into the coat of arms in 1929, it is the same motto that was also used by the Order of the Star of India and was used on Indian troopships which regularly travelled between Portsmouth and the East.

Cigarette card.

Photo of the Wills, Town Arms, Portsmouth published 1903.This cigarette card shows an example of the Star and Crescent as used in the Portsmouth Town Arms. It was was published by the Wills company in 1903 and is part of their series titled Borough Arms.

The text on the reverse of the card reads,
"An eight rayed star, or "estoile", within a crescent. The design recalls the national flag of Turkey, and the badge adopted by Richard I, John and Henry III at the time of the Crusades. Photo of the London and South Western Railway Company coat of arms.It is quartered on the arms of the London and South Western Railway Company."

The arms of the London and South Western Railway Company can be seen on the badge to the right, the Portsmouth coat of arms is shown in the lower, right hand quarter, directly next to the Southampton Coat of Arms, also served by the L&SWR.

The L&SWR began as a railway to link Southampton and London, but over time expanded further to provide services to towns such as Exeter, Plymouth, Ilfracombe, Bude and Padstow.

During this expansion it acquired or leased many other smaller railway companies, in 1923 the L&SWR was itself taken over and became part of the Southern Railway.


Senin için yapraklarını kopardığım papatyalardan özür diledim dün gece.
Haklısınız dedim, ne sevdiği belli, ne sevmediği.
Pablo Neruda

eski güzel günler ... incesaz

eski güzel günler... Sema Moritz

3 Eylül 2011 Cumartesi

cevapsız sorular

bir kadın sevgilisinin eski sevgilisine neden ve nasıl bir ruh hali ile telefon eder ? 

Nietzsche’nin sevgilisi Lou Salome’ye gönderdiği bir mektuptan alıntıdır

Öyle bir hayat yaşıyorum ki, cenneti de gördüm, cehennemi de.
Öyle bir aşk yaşadım ki tutkuyu da gördüm, pes etmeyi de.
Bazıları seyrederken hayatı en önden,
Kendime bir sahne buldum oynadım.
Öyle bir rol vermişler ki, okudum okudum anlamadım..
Kendi kendime konuştum bazen evimde,
Hem kızdım hem güldüm,
Sonra dedim ki "söz ver kendine" !

"Denizleri seviyorsan, dalgaları da seveceksin,
Sevilmek istiyorsan, önce sevmeyi bileceksin,
Uçmayı seviyorsan, düşmeyi de bileceksin.
Korkarak yaşıyorsan, yalnızca hayatı seyredersin".

Öyle bir hayat yaşadım ki, son yolculukları erken tanıdım.
Öyle çok değerliymiş ki zaman;
Hep acele etmem bundan, anladım..

Well, a taurus or a pisces for me

Cancer and Aries love compatibility 
This combination is usually hard to match. The powerful sexual attraction is a usual thing for these two signs. A problem is that sexual attraction fades in the face of many temperamental differences. Aries leaps without looking; Cancer is cautious. Cancer loves hearth and home; Aries hates being tied down. Resentments build up and they argue over trifles. The discrepancy between their temperaments results in strengthening of incompatibility in bed. Astrological forecast for this couple is a stormy sea, and the marriage for certain will result in ship-wreck.

Cancer and Taurus love compatibility 
Usually this makes a good combination. Both need security and a sense of permanence, and both are loving, affectionate, and passionate as well. The Cancer adds to this union more sensuality and imagination. Both are passionate and do not need any extraneous help to be pleased with each other. The Taurus is capable to understand changes in the mood of the Cancer, and can help smooth the problems if any appears. The Taurus is usually an attentive person. The Cancer is responsive. This relationship can and will improve with age and hard work, as these are such different personalities, and in many ways ones strength supports the others weakness. Cancers sex life is affected by the way they are getting along in the evening and if there is arguing or other unpleasantness Cancer will not make love to Taurus and too much of this could build a wall between them. The understanding of each other problems will help the existence of pleasant connection. A successful marriage is possible if case these two are willing to give rather than get.

Cancer and Gemini love compatibility 
Gemini's sparkle immediately intrigues Cancer, but Cancer won't find security with fickle, fly-by-night Gemini. The Cancer's self-confidence will decrease during his dialogue with the changeable Gemini, who are fond of pleasures. The unguided sexual energy of the Gemini will create problems for the Cancer. Cancer is the home loving type and will be content to stay there and lock the rest of the world outside, but Gemini would soon become restless and angry over this as he/she is very sociable and likes to be around other people; having no wish to feel as if they are a prisoner in their own home. Life will quickly become unbearable to Gemini. Cancers are driven by emotion and feelings and generally prefer the constant. Gemini's unstoppable movement will prove unsettling to Cancer. Though it is a very emotional connection, the long term connection is almost impossible here.

Cancer and Cancer love compatibility 
They have a lot in common, and that's the trouble. They are too similar to be happy together. Both suffer from excessive sensitivity and that results in emotional problems. Both want to play a main role in the sexual relationships, and it often causes a criticism and disputes. They both take words and actions to be literal truths and that can mean some consistent pain and unrest for them. They tend to see themselves as martyrs, vastly giving individuals, and when one does not see this in the other then the reaction is shock. They will waste a lot of time together, better spent on other things, in the middle of petty bickering and dredging up the past mistakes of the other. However physically they attract each other and this connection can be rather sensual. The marriage demands a great goodwill and mutual understanding.

Cancer and Leo love compatibility 
Usually this is a good combination, since the Moon (Cancer) reflects the light of the Sun (Leo). The Leo has an ability to stabilize moody Cancer. Generous, openhearted, strong Leo is just what insecure Cancer is looking for and it creates a feeling of reliance for a changeable Cancer. On the other hand it is necessary to flatter and admire by the Leo's advantages and especially in the field of sex, where he/she should dominate. If the Cancer is ready to let the Leo be the leader in bedroom the passionate connection and rather successful marriage can take place.

Cancer and Virgo love compatibility 
Cancer's responses are emotive while Virgo's are analytical, but their personalities mesh so well that it doesn't seem to matter. The Virgo is practical person and gives a basis for this union. The Cancer is more emotional creature but they are capable to feel pleasure from their relationships. They perfectly fit each other in the bedroom. One of the dangers in this relationship will be too much caring! Each one of these signs love to look after, and fuss around the person they love, which will go far in making life intolerable for both of them. Together these signs do a lot of talking about things that need doing; each one needs to be paired with a positive personality for anything but talk to get accomplished. This can turn out to be quite interesing connection in case the Virgo is little less demonstrative and affectionate with cancer.

Cancer and Libra love compatibility 
This pair operates on entirely different levels: Cancer wants love to be emotionally transcendent, Libra seeks perfect intellectual communion. It is difficult for the Libra to get on well with a Cancer's changeable temperament. The Cancer for his turn feels uncertainty and anxiety because of the Libra's attachment. The Libra is attracted by the Cancer's moods, but he/she prefers to avoid any troubles. Cancer will have to bring some excitement and glamour into the bedroom and their love making if he/she would capture and hold Libras attention, as he/she has a roving eye and will always be looking for greener pastures, sex being the important part of life to him/her that it is. But if Cancer turns critical, especially about Libra's extravagance, Libra will start looking elsewhere. The connection is possible. The marriage is almost unreal.

Cancer and Scorpio love compatibility 
Masterful Scorpio should make a good mate for quiet spoken Cancer. The Scorpio's force and his/her needs to dominate and protect is just what the Cancer is longing for. Cancer's possessiveness will actually make Scorpio feel secure. Cancer admires Scorpio's strength while Scorpio finds a haven in Cancer's emotional commitment. The Cancer is more sensitive about sexual relations, while the Scorpio is more passionate. The Cancer's desire to please helps avoid many problems in this area. The the Scorpio's furious jealousy does not arise, since the Cancer is devoted to the partner. The love will be growing, and this passionate connection can develop in a perfect marriage.

Cancer and Sagittarius love compatibility 
They usually have the different purposes and desires. Sagittarius is the wanderer and does not like to stop his/her choice on something certain. The Cancer wants to be sure of the love of the partner. The Sagittarius is not capable to ensure it. The Cancer lives for the sake of the future. Sagittarius lives for today. Cancer's jealousy is aroused by Sagittarius's flighty, faithless ways; Sagittarius is bored by Cancer's dependency. Sagittarius likes to wander, while Cancer is a stay-at-home. When Sagittarius feels boredom he/she begins searching for new connections/partners. The Cancer will be deeply offended by this fact. Sexually, Sagittarius is very active, and as a rule Cancer is easily satisfied. This can leave Sagittarius feeling let down and depressed and unfulfilled, which in turn will send him/her searching for a new partner. There are vague prospects of more - less steady connection.

Cancer and Capricorn love compatibility 
The Capricorn is not able to pay very much attention to the partner, and it doesn't meet the Cancer's wishes. The Capricorn has too much other interests. Both are good money managers and are unlikely to have many financial problems. Waste is an offense to Capricorn as is extravagance. Capricorn is a faithful and devoted mate which the more positive type of Cancer can be content with, even if life does get a little boring at times. However, there are a strong sexual attraction exists between these two signs. In a bedroom everything will be perfect, until Cancer feels bored with a practicality and restraint of the Capricorn. The connection is unstable, the marriage is undesirable.

Cancer and Aquarius love compatibility 
Fun-loving Aquarius will be too unpredictable for a vulnerable Cancer. The Cancer is usually more open and steady than Aquarius who inclined to find new adventures. Aquarians love to share their life stories with the world while Cancer is satisfied to concentrate on personal obligations. Cancer have a conservative taste; Aquarius taste are usually the opposite. The Cancer's needs can't remain unsatisfied. Aquarius tends to exempt him/herself from the emotional requirements. They are able to find common language in bedroom for some time, though they will not sustain this partnership in a drawing room for a long time. The eccentricity of Uranus does not go well with the moods of Luna. Odds against this combination are too great for this combination, unless one will become subservient to the other.

Cancer and Pisces love compatibility 
This is an affectionate, sensitive couple who will bolster each other's ego. Pisces is an imaginative dreamer but Cancer is an imaginative worker-and together they can make their dreams a reality. Pisces provides romance in Cancer's life, and Cancer is the all-protective lover Pisces needs. They are a good pair in the field of sex. They are both sympathetic and try to support each other. Probably the Cancer will be the leader, because of the the Pisces' inclination for some eccentricity in love affairs. The quarrels are usually short and quickly come to an end in bed. They are perfectly fit for each other. They can spend their time during day and during night with the same result and the sentimental combination of these two signs make for an ideal marriage.